Soak Freeze Thaw Testing to ASTM D5722

For testing prefinish hardboard to simulate midwestern US climates, test procedure ASTM D5722, "Performing Accelerated Outdoor Weathering of Factory-Coated Embossed Hardboard Using Concentrated Natural Sunlight and a Soak Freeze Thaw Procedure" was developed. The test consists of subjecting samples to a series of daily soak freeze thaw cycles. The daily cycle consists of the following:
- Daily exposure using ASTM G90 Cycle 1
- A one hour soak using deoinized water
- A 12-hour freeze at or near -18 degrees C (0 degrees F)
- A one-hour thaw under ambient conditions
This cycle was chosen because of good correlation to field failures
in climates with freeze thaw cycles. If you are interested in this
test, please contact our sales department at